It is available to Sofia Library patrons through our EbscoHost collection.
How does it work? If you wish to focus your search on the e-books in PsycBooks, you can use the following instructions to make the process quick and easy.
- Navigate to EbscoHost on our Access Databases page or use the EbscoHost link above.
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- Choose the Journal Articles, Books, & Test Reviews link or the Ebsco Mobile link if you are on a mobile device.
- Scroll down and click on the PsycBooks link. That will allow you to focus your search to PsycBooks e-book content only.
- Type in your search and press Enter.
- The results will be chapters from individual books. Each chapter is in PDF format. You can download, read, and print any chapter. It is yours to keep.
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More about PsycBooks
PsycBOOKS® from the American Psychological Association (APA), includes over 38,000 chapters in PDF from over 2,500 books, published by the APA and other distinguished publishers, and includes digitized content of historical significance from the Archives of the History of American Psychology (AHAP) collection . It also contains over 1,600classic books of landmark historical impact in psychology dating from the 1600s, and the exclusive electronic release of more than 1,500 authored entries from APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology.